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Evolving landscape of melanoma in Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Greece: trends and insights
Panorama actual del melanoma en Portugal, España, Italia y Grecia: tendencias y perspectivas
L. Cayuela1, J.J. Pereyra-Rodríguez2,3,
, J.C. Hernández-Rodríguez3, R.C. Bueno-Molina3, A. Cayuela4
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1 Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital Severo Ochoa, Leganés, Spain
2 Department of Medicine, University of Seville, Seville, Spain
3 Department of Dermatology, Virgen del Rocío University Hospital, Seville, Spain
4 Unit of Public Health, Prevention and Health Promotion. South Seville Health Management Area, Seville, Spain